Martin J. "Marty" Mechsner
- SMI Co-Founder
Martin J. "Marty" Mechsner was a leader who was on the founding boards of the Small Manufacturers Association of California (SMA) and the Small Manufacturers Institute (SMI). Through SMI, Marty was a driving force for the development of robotics teams and leagues in Southern California. SMI provided local trailers and helped with the inaugural VEX World Championship event at CSUN. He focused on workforce development before it was recognized nationally as a critical need. Marty served as President and CEO of SMI, President of Schober's Machine and Engineering (SME), Adjunct Professor of Technology and Mechanical Engineering at California State University, Los Angeles, and General Manager and Chief Engineer of the Fabrication Division of IMS. Marty passed away on July 29th, 2017, after battling cancer.